
Ximena Arriaga

Ximena Arriaga

Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Intimate partner violence; Social relationships that affect well-being
Alina Ashelman

Alina Ashelman

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Keywords: Cultural determinants of health and illness, Stigma, Cultural sociology, Natural language processing methods
Priyanka Baloni

Priyanka Baloni

Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences
Keywords: Neurodegenerative Diseases; Pregnancy complications; Toxicology; Systems Biology
Jenna Bednarski

Jenna Bednarski

Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Keywords: Military Children and Families
Afsan Bhadelia

Afsan Bhadelia

Assistant Professor 
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Health systems performance assessment, Global health, Chronic care, Health equity
Arun Bhunia

Arun Bhunia

Professor of Food Microbiology
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes, Pregnancy related complications, Probiotics, Gut health, Host-pathogen interaction
Annabel Biruete

Annabel Biruete

Assistant Professor 
Department of Nutrition Science
Adjunct Faculty IU School of Medicine - Division of Nephrology
Keywords: Dietary fiber, Chronic kidney disease, Gut microbiome, Health disparities
Aaron Bowman

Aaron Bowman

Professor of Health Sciences
Interim Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences
Keywords: Neurotoxicology, Human pluripotent stem cells, Metals, neurodegenerative disease
Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown

Associate Professor
Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Substance use, Infectious diseases, Sexual/reproductive health
Wayne Campbell

Wayne Campbell

Department of Nutrition Science
Keywords: Eating patterns in human adult, Effects of agricultrual commodities on human health, Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of literature
David Cappelleri

David Cappelleri

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Medical robots and devices
Faria Asif Chaudhry

Faria Asif Chaudhry

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy
Keywords: Food insecurity, Diabetes management in under-resourced populations, Medication access, Optimizing chronic care management, Cardiovascular risk reduction, Barriers to care
Julia Chester

Julia Chester

Professor and Associate Department Head
Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Animal models, Psychiatric disorders, Mental health, Pain
Stacey Connaughton

Stacey Connaughton

Professor and Director of the Purdue Policy Research Institute
Brian Lamb School of Communication
Keywords: Political violence prevention in conflict-prone regions of the world (i.e., Africa), Intersections of health and violence on vulnerable populations such as women.
Abigail Cox

Abigail Cox

Associate Professor
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Director, Histology Research Laboratory
Keywords: Role of sex hormones on laryngeal health, Animal models
Risa Cromer

Risa Cromer

Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Keywords: Reproductive health care; Emergency medicine; Family planning; Assisted reproduction; US politics
Tzu-Wen Cross

Tzu-Wen Cross

Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition Science
Keywords: Gut microbiome, Nutrition, Menopause, Metabolic dysfunction, Reproductive health
Ulrike Dydak

Ulrike Dydak

School of Health Sciences
Director, Purdue Life Science MRI Facility
Associate Director, Women's Global Health Institute
Keywords: MRI, Neuroimaging, Neurotoxicity, Metabolism, Sex Differences
Christina Ferreira

Christina Ferreira

Assistant Research Faculty 
Bindley Bioscience Center
Keywords: Small molecule biomarker discovery, Multiomics, Spatial metabolomics and lipidomics, Mass spectrometry
Marxa L. Figueiredo

Marxa L. Figueiredo

Associate Professor
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Keywords: New anti-inflammatory therapeutics and approaches
Rainer Fischer

Rainer Fischer

Research Professor
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Dan Foti

Dan Foti

Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Developmental health and wellness, Healthy lifestyles and vital longevity
Jennifer Freeman

Jennifer Freeman

School of Health Sciences
Assistant Vice President for Research Development
Keywords: Environmental and molecular toxicology, Neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative disease, Zebrafish, Developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD)
Tim Gavin

Tim Gavin

Professor and Department Head
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Keywords: Skeletal muscle, Vasculature, Exercise, Physiology, Aging, Obesity
Nandhini Giri

Nandhini Giri

Assistant Professor of Computer Graphics Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Cross-cultural research, Game-based learning, Contemplative technology design
Craig Goergen

Craig Goergen

Leslie A. Geddes Professor 
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Imaging, Cardiovascular, Biomechanics, Animal models, Ultrasound
Humaira Gowher

Humaira Gowher

Associate Professor 
Department of Biochemistry
Keywords: Regulation of mammalian development by epigenetic processes
Michael Gribskov

Michael Gribskov

Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Computational biology, RNA structure
Nilupa Gunaratna

Nilupa Gunaratna

Associate Professor 
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Food systems, Food security, Food choice, Quantitative methods, Low- and middle-income countries
Hana Hall

Hana Hall

Research Assistant Professor 
Department of Biochemistry
Keywords: Aging, Neurodegeneration, Gene expression, Epigenetics
Jason Hanna

Jason Hanna

Assistant Professor 
Department of Biological Sciences
Sogand Hasanzadeh

Sogand Hasanzadeh

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering
Keywords: Smart safety and health, Inclusivity at workplace, Digital twins and automation
Zachary Hass

Zachary Hass

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Keywords: Long-term care, Health outcomes, Quantitative evaluation, Applied statistics
Gregory H. Hockerman

Gregory H. Hockerman

Associate Head and Professor
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Keywords: Diabetes, Aging, Pancreatic beta-cells, Estrogen
Rong Huang

Rong Huang

Evanson-McCoy Professor
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Keywords: Inhibitors, Molecular Mechanism, Methyltransferases and acetyltransferases, Novel and targeted epigenetic drugs
Sooyeon Jeong

Sooyeon Jeong

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Keywords: Human-AI/robot interaction, Relational AI for health and wellbeing, Personalized healthcare
Qing Jiang

Qing Jiang

Department of Nutrition Science
Keywords: Vitamin E in disease prevention and therapy
Soojung Jo

Soojung Jo

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Keywords: Infectious disease prevention, Vaccination informatics, HPV prevention
Christi Jones

Christi Jones

Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Danielle Kane

Danielle Kane

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Keywords: China, Migrant workers, Reproductive health, Family influence
Andrea Kasinski

Andrea Kasinski

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: RNA therapeutics, Cancer related molecular mechanisms (breast and ovarian cancers) 
Monica Kasting

Monica Kasting

Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Epidemiology, Cancer prevention and control, Health promotion and health behavior, Physician-patient communication, Vaccine hesitancy
Bridgette Kelleher

Bridgette Kelleher

Associate Professor
Department of Psychological Sciences
Director, Purdue Autism Research Center
Keywords: Caregiver mental health, Telehealth, Rare disease, Neurodevelopmental conditions
Noori Kim

Noori Kim

Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Hearing Health Technology, Female hearing health in rular area, Sensors
Adam Kimbrough

Adam Kimbrough

Assistant Professor 
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Keywords: Neural networks and neural circuitry involved in substance use disorders, especially alcohol and opioids
Ann Kirchmaier

Ann Kirchmaier

Associate Professor 
Department of Biochemistry
Keywords: Neural Epigenetic processes that mediate heritable modifications to chromatin
Kimberly Kinzig

Kimberly Kinzig

Professor, Interim Head
Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Obesity, Eating disorders, Stress, Cognition
Wendy Kline

Wendy Kline

Professor and Dema G. Seelye Chair in the History of Medicine
Department of History
Director of Medical Humanities Certificate Program
Keywords: History of women's health, Gynecology
Fiona Kolbinger

Fiona Kolbinger

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Clinical Artificial Intelligence, Surgical Oncology, Data Science, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Nan Kong

Nan Kong

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Director, Health Systems
Keywords: Digital health, Healthcare systems, Complex system monitoring, Endometriosis and Polycystic ovary syndrome
Christoph Konradt

Christoph Konradt

Assistant Professor of Immunology
Department of Comparative Pathobiology 
Keywords: Immunology, Maternal-fetal interface, Infection
Wendy Koss

Wendy Koss

Assistant Research Professor
Director of Purdue Animal Behavior Core
Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience
Keywords: Alzheimer's Disease, Estrogens, Androgens, Progestagens, Sex differences
Nasreen Lalani

Nasreen Lalani

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Keywords: Rural family caregiving, Self care, Resilience, Spirituality, Wellbeing, Palliative and end of life care
Kathryn LaRoche

Kathryn LaRoche

Assistant Professor
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Qualitative, Abortion, Pregnancy, Action-oriented reproductive health
Jianing Li

Jianing Li

Associate Professor
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Keywords: Computer Aided Drug Design, Multiscale Modelling, Biophysics
Qingchun Li

Qingchun Li

Assistant Professor
School of Construction Management Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Hearing loss disparities, Female hearing loss, Urban rural disparities
Tonglei Li

Tonglei Li

Allen Chao Chair and Professor
Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Keywords: Drug discovery and development, AI/ML/DL, Computational chemistry, Modeling and simulation
Zhan Li

Zhan Li

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Micro/nano biomedical devices, Diagnostics, Cryopreservation, Biomanufacturing
Stephen Lindemann

Stephen Lindemann

Associate Professor
Department of Food Science
Courtesy Appointment, Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: Gut microbiome, Dietary fiber, Gut-brain axis, Inflammation, Metabolism
Jacqueline Linnes

Jacqueline Linnes

Marta E Gross Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Point-of-care diagnostics, Global health, Wearable devices, Paper microfluidics, Molecular biosensors, Human-centered instrumentation design
Dianne Little

Dianne Little

Associate Professor
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Keywords: Tendon, Osteoarthritis, Psychosocial Stress, Comorbidity, Pre-clinical model
Julie Liu

Julie Liu

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering (by courtesy)
Keywords: Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Surgical glues
Sa Liu

Sa Liu

Associate Professor of Public Health
Keywords: Human exposure assessment; Chemical; Heat stress
Victoria Lowell

Victoria Lowell

Clinical Professor 
College of Education
Keywords: Emerging Technologies (i.e., VR, AR, AI), Teaching and Learning, Authentic/Experiential Learning  
Georgia Malandraki

Georgia Malandraki

Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Keywords: Swallowing disorders, Dysphagia, Neuroscience, Telehealth
Seema Mattoo

Seema Mattoo

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: Cell signaling, Post-translational modifications, Fic proteins, AMPylation
Ashley Meredith

Ashley Meredith

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Keywords: Pharmacist, Contraception, Community health worker, Equity
Brett Meyers

Brett Meyers

Assistant Research Professor
Regenstreif Center for Healthcare Engineering
Keywords: Fetal-Maternal Medicine; Cardiology; Machine Learning
Sulma Mohammed

Sulma Mohammed

Professor of Cancer Biology
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Keywords: Breast and cervical cancer biology with a focus on cancer prevention, biomarkers, and global disparities, Cancer biology
Cindy Nakatsu

Cindy Nakatsu

Department of Agronomy
Amber M. Neal-Stanley

Amber M. Neal-Stanley

Assistant Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Keywords: Black education studies, Critical qualitative research, Black mothering praxis, Faith and spirituality
Linda Nie

Linda Nie

Professor and Interim Associate Head for Academic Programs
School of Health Sciences
Keywords: Nuclear and radiation instrumentation development, X-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analysis, Synchrotron x-ray techniques, Metals and trace element, Neurodegeneration
Valerie P. O'Brien

Valerie P. O'Brien

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Hinayah Rojas de Oliveria

Hinayah Rojas de Oliveria

Assisant Professor
Department of Animal Sciences
Keywords: Genetics, Genomics, Gene expression studies, GWAS, Genomic prediction
Matthew Olson

Matthew Olson

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: Immunology, Uterine/varian/intestinal inflammation
Estelle (Sunghee) Park

Estelle (Sunghee) Park

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Tissue Engineering, Organoids, Organs-on-Chips, Stem Cells, Developmental Biology
Sonak Pastakia

Sonak Pastakia

Department of Pharmacy Practice
Keywords: Community-based healthcare, Chronic disease management, Health equity, Low and middle-income countries, Global Health
Willie M. Reed

Willie M. Reed

College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Administration | Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Keywords: Infectious Diseases, One Health
Libby Richards

Libby Richards

Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Director, PhD in Nursing
Keywords: Physical activity initiation and maintenance

Shirley Rietdyk

Shirley Rietdyk

Department of Health and Kinesiology
Keywords: Balance; Mobility; Falls

Kali Rubaii

Kali Rubaii

Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Keywords: War and reproductive health, Environmental exposures, Social justice, Iraq. 
Jean-Christophe (Chris) Rochet

Jean-Christophe (Chris) Rochet

Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Director, Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience
Keywords: Biomarkers, CNS disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Protein aggregation

Cordelia Running

Cordelia Running

Associate Professor
Department of Nutrition Science
Keywords: Sensory science, Food flavor, Ingestive behavior, Food chemistry
Douglas Samuel

Douglas Samuel

Department of Psychological Sciences
Keywords: Diagnosis and Assessment of Mental Disorders
Andrea Pires dos Santos

Andrea Pires dos Santos

Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Director, The Cytology Resource Center
Keywords: Clinical and molecular pathology, Cancer research, Small non-coding RNAs, One Health, Global Engagement
Dennis Savaiano

Dennis Savaiano

Virginia Claypool Meredith Professor
Department of Nutrition Science
Director, CTSI, IDOH Connections IN Health
Director, Purdue CTSI Clinical Research Center
Keywords: Health Coalitions, Lactose Digestion
Matthew Scarpelli

Matthew Scarpelli

Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences
Keywords: Immune system in the biological response to radiation, Radiotherapy induced abscopal effect, Molecular imaging to assess the immune system, Functional imaging to assess tissue perfusion 
Christie Sennott

Christie Sennott

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Fertility and Family Formation, Maternal and Child Health, Gender
Rosie Shrout

Rosie Shrout

Assistant Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Science
Keywords: Breast cancer survivorship, Stress, Coping, Inflammation, Relationships
Mayari Serrano Anazco

Mayari Serrano Anazco

Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor
John Martinson Honors College
Keywords: Human-computer interactions, Haptics, Digital technology, Equity
Thomas Siegmund

Thomas Siegmund

School of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Bone health, Osteoporosis, Bone fracture
Kayce Solari Williams

Kayce Solari Williams

Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Adolescent females; Obesity; Body image; Identity; Mentoring
Luis Solorio

Luis Solorio

Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs, Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Novel drug delivery systems, Tissue engineering/biomaterials, Extracelluar matrix, Cancer biology, Role of microenvironment on metastasis
Susan South

Susan South

Department of Psychological Sciences
Interim Director of Purdue Psychology Treatment & Research Clinics (PPTRC)
Keywords: Mild cognitive impairment/risk for dementia, Psychopathology and interpersonal relationships
Steven Steinhubl

Steven Steinhubl

Vincent P. Reilly Professor 
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Wearable Sensor, AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare, Precision Communications and Return of Value in Digital Health Technologies, Virtual First Care, Digital Health Technologies in Addressing Health Inequities
Raji Sundararajan

Raji Sundararajan

School of Engineering Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Cancer, Breast cancer, Electrochemotherapy, Proteomics, Bioinformatics
Chengcheng Tao

Chengcheng Tao

Assistant Professor of Construction Management Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics of non-Newtonian fluids, Sustainable construction materials
W. Andy Tao

W. Andy Tao

Professor of Chemical Biology and Analytical Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Keywords: Molecular signaling in cancer cells, Identification of biomarkers for early detection of cancers and Alzheimer's Disease, Chemical proteomics to understand virus and bacteria infection
Zoe Taylor

Zoe Taylor

Associate Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Science
Co-Director, HHS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Science Consortium
Keywords: Mental health, Resilience, Immigrant families, Single mothers
Dorothy Teegarden

Dorothy Teegarden

Department of Nutrition Science
Director of the Women's Global Health Institute
Keywords: Breast cancer, Cellular energy metabolism, Interdisciplinary education
John Tesmer

John Tesmer

Walther Distinguished Professor in Cancer Structural Biology
Department of Biological Sciences
Keywords: Cell Signaling, Cancer, Structural Biology
Yunjie Tong

Tunjie Tong

Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Keywords: Brain Imaging; MRI; Alzheimer's Disease
Amanda Veile

Amanda Veile

Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Keywords: Maternal-child health, Birth, Breastfeeding, Latin America, Indigenous health
Sudip Vhaduri

Sudip Vhaduri

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Technology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Mobile Health, AI, ML, Mobile and wearable computing
Viju Vijayan Pillai

Viju Vijayan Pillai

Assistant Professor of Anatomic Pathology
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Keywords: Early embryonic development; Fetal-maternal communication; Maternal recognition of pregnancy using stem cells; Organoids and animal models
Haocen Wang

Haocen Wang

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Keywords: Cancer Prevention; Public Health Genomics; Health Behavior Promotion
Weicang Wang

Weicang Wang

Assistant Professor
Department of Food Science
Keywords: Dietary fatty acids, Gut health, Obesity, Cancer prevention
Ellen Wells

Ellen Wells

Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
Keywords: Environmental epidemiology, Environmental justice
Hsin-Yi Weng

Hsin-Yi Weng

Associate Professor
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Keywords: Human-animal interactions, Household pets, Perinatal health, Companion animals, Owner-pet relationship
Nicole Olynk Widmar

Nicole Olynk Widmar

Interim Department Head and Professor
Department of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Consumer behavior, Demand for food attributes, Understanding interactions of demographics and economic behaviors and/or economic outcomes, Heterogeneous preferences 
Bowei Xi

Bowei Xi

Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
Keywords: Machine Learning, AI Security, Bioinformatics
Ranjie Xu

Ranjie Xu

Assistant Professor
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Keywords: Human stem cell models, Neurological disorders, Drug screening
Danzhou Yang

Danzhou Yang

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Martha and Fred Borch Chair in Cancer Therapeutics
Keywords: Anticancer drug design; Structure biology; Oncogene transcription
Yoon Yeo

Yoon Yeo

Lillian Barboul Thomas Professor of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics and Biomedical Engineering
Associate Head, Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics
Keywords: Tumor-targeted drug delivery, Nanoparticle engineering, Intracellular drug delivery, Non-viral gene delivery, Biomaterials for immunotherapy